Navigating disability requires time, paperwork and so many phone calls. It can feel isolating and overwhelming. This course is about YOU- how to truly care for yourself so you can continue creating the best for your family. Through VELA's interactive 5 session course, you will learn and practice skills for real self-care and wellbeing. Join VELA to gain knowledge, empowerment, resilience and community. You can also check out other course options and/or register for support group.
We look forward to meeting you in person on or the screen!
Build a Parent Toolkit to organize your child's school, therapy and medical information- and learn how to use this as a tool.
Understand the most important parts of your child's IEP ( Individualized Education Plan)
Learn what to do before, during and after an ARD meetings
Learn and practice how to use assertive and collaborative communication
Learn about Special education Law
Learn about key resources and how/when to access them
Learn and practice real self-care strategies for yourself
More information to come.
Registration for the Caregiver Wellness Course has closed. Please complete this form so we can send you the next programming schedule as soon as it's available!