VELA's vision is to create a community where all families of children with disabilities thrive, starting with the parent first. Since 2011, we have focused on delivering programming built on best practices for empowering families, using innovative curricula that is both responsive to community needs and empathy-driven.
Click here for our 2019 Impact Report.
Storytime: MEET Lian
Lian loves many things including his parents, dogs and pizza. When we met his parents, Rosa and Eric, we quickly saw where he got his brightness from. They are warriors who have been through heart surgeries, diagnoses, very hard special education meetings and more with their son. Click here to read more about them and other families we are honored to serve!
Read more about VELA's impact in 2019- learn about who we serve, what we provide and how we work with families to ensure that all families of children with special needs thrive. Also read about our funders, budget and more.
Click here to see our full report.
In the News
Cronkite News: Texas group empowers Latino parents to advocate for children with disabilities
Telemundo Nacional: VELA Families: la organización que brinda ayuda a los padres que tienen hijos con necesidades especiales en medio de la pandemia
Giving City: Nonprofit helps families with special needs
NPR All Things Considered: Fear Of Deportation Or Green Card Denial Deters Some Parents From Getting Kids Care